After years of struggle , The Supreme Court of India has passed a judgmnent in the Medha Kotwal Lele case of sexual harrasment at workplace.
The Court in the order says " Lip service, hollow statements and inert
and inadequate laws with sloppy enforcement are not enough for true and
genuine upliftment of our half most precious population – the women." also directing the Bar Council of India , Medical Council of India, Council of
Architecture, Institute of Chartered Accountants, Institute of Company
Secretaries and other statutory Institutes shall ensure that the
organisations, bodies, associations, institutions and persons
registered/affiliated to follow the guidelines laid down by Vishaka.
Read the full order here
The Court in the order says " Lip service, hollow statements and inert
and inadequate laws with sloppy enforcement are not enough for true and
genuine upliftment of our half most precious population – the women." also directing the Bar Council of India , Medical Council of India, Council of
Architecture, Institute of Chartered Accountants, Institute of Company
Secretaries and other statutory Institutes shall ensure that the
organisations, bodies, associations, institutions and persons
registered/affiliated to follow the guidelines laid down by Vishaka.
Read the full order here
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