Dr. Sacked for allegedly not making enough money for charitable St. Stephens's hospital

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Petitioner is a senior doctor and a senior employee of the respondent hospital. She has been appointed and Confirmed as a senior specialist – Psychiatry. Ever since her confirmation on 1.10.09 she has been functioning as and has been treated by the Director as the Head of the Psychiatry Department. For example, whenever HOD meetings are held she represents the department and has always been treated as HOD even though there is no formal communication to that effect.
She has served the hospital for 19 years. Her services have been terminated by the respondent because, According to the respondent, she did not raise adequate money for the hospital.
Her answer is simple; she was not required to get involved with the raising of funds because she was not part of the Governing Body and therefore revenue was not part of her duties.
The present petition is being filed in order to challenge the unfair and arbitrary manner in which the respondents have terminated the petitioner from her services. The respondent is registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, and operates, inter alia, a charitable hospital at Delhi.

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