A Report on Harmonizing India’s laws with United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

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India ratified the U.N Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities (UN CRPD) in September 2007, and the convention subsequently came into force in May 2008. This convention required that India make a number of changes to its laws, policies, regulations, notifications, programs, and schemes. As a part of this process of bringing the legal instruments of India into compliance with the UN CRPD, the Indian government was required to consult with disabled people and their organizations on how best to fulfill the CRPD mandates.

HRLN participated in this process along with a number of other NGOs, and together a series of recommendations were made to the government. Some of these recommendations involved expanding existing disability-specific legislation, while other recommendations involved taking general legislation and making it disability inclusive. From these recommendations, HRLN believes that the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment should take these recommendations and form a new law, along with introducing an Amending and Repealing Act to fix or remove inappropriate laws, which between them would bring India in line with its CRPD commitments.

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