Create Special Juvenile Police for Children and Train them well : Supreme Court of India

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Supreme Court on 12.10.11, pronouncing interim order in Sampurna Behrua V Union of India ( Writ Petition Civil 473 of 2005 ) , has directed States and Union Territories to give full effect to the provisions in Juvenile Justice Act 2000 related to constitution of Special Juvenile Police Units and Juvenile/ Child Welfare Officers in all districts and all police stations respectively. National Legal Services Authority has been directed to issue guidelines for training and orientation of Special Juvenile Police and State Legal Services Authorities through their district level units will provide these trainings. This matter will again be listed in the Court in first week of January-2011 when Court will examine the compliance of these orders.

Click on the here to read the older history of this case.

Click here to read the Interim order dated 12.10.11.

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  1. Unknown said...

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